How we use maths in Scouts Scotland
Have you ever been orienteering? Out on a hill, or maybe a woodland, working with friends to follow a map and find those little markers hidden around a trail. Having great fun in the outdoors, staying just on the right side of not getting lost. Do you realise you were learning maths skills while you were doing it?

The countdown is on to Maths Week Scotland 2020!
With just under two weeks to go, people all over Scotland are preparing for Maths Week Scotland 2020 which will take place from 28 September – 4 October this year.

Maths Week Scotland is back for 2020!
Maths Week Scotland will be back for 2020 this year jam packed with online events, competitions and activities for getting out and about with maths.

Women in Maths (Part 2)
To celebrate women in Maths Day (12 May) we interviewed six women with maths at the core of their role and will be releasing the videos throughout May.
Our next two videos are women who work with large numbers which affect all of our lives. Kate Forbes is the Cabinet Secretary for Finance for Scotland and Esther Roughsedge is a Statistician at National Records of Scotland.

Women in Maths (Part 1)
Women in Maths day celebrates achievements of women in maths around the world. We caught up with six women working in a range of roles with maths at it's core.

Every Week is Maths Week: Earth Day
Today is Earth Day! Earth Day celebrates global efforts to tackle climate issues, from political steps such as the Paris Agreement to individual efforts of recycling and reusing.
In celebration of Earth Day we are looking at maths in the environment and how maths can help us protect it.

Awards Season: Maths Wi Nae Borders 2019 Winners
Lucky winners from our Sumdog and Maths wi nae Borders 2019 competitions celebrate their achievements with trophies, vouchers, pizza and private tours of parliament...!

Awards Season: Sumdog 2019 Winners
Lucky winners from our Sumdog and Maths wi nae Borders 2019 competitions celebrate their achievements with trophies, vouchers, pizza and private tours of parliament...!

Maths Week Scotland: 28 September - 4 October 2020
We had so much fun last year, we are going to do it all over again! Maths Week Scotland will take place 28 September - 4 October 2020.

School Week Round Up 2019
It's the end of the school week for Maths Week Scotland and what a week it's been! We've loved seeing such a range of activity in schools on Twitter from careers to ceilidhs, thanks to everyone who's shared their Maths Week Scotland with us. So what has everyone learnt at school this week?

Super Saturday 2019
It’s Friday and that can only mean one thing - it's Super Saturday tomorrow for Maths Week Scotland! We've got events for all ages happening in Glasgow, Dundee, Edinburgh and Midlothian.

Compete in Maths Week Scotland 2019
We’ve got all sorts of competitions for schools (and individuals) to get involved in this Maths Week Scotland! Whether you or your students enjoy games, challenges, photography or just playing to win, there’s something for everyone.

Community Learning and Development for Maths Week Scotland
Across Scotland, Community Learning and Development (CLD) works to empower people of all ages to work individually or collectively to make positive changes in their lives and communities through learning, personal development and active citizenship. Find out how to get involved this Maths Week Scotland.

Maths for Parents, Carers and Grandparents...
How do you feel about maths? Do you feel confident encouraging and supporting your child’s maths learning and homework? Do the questions they ask make you feel uncomfortable? If they do then you are not alone. A guest post from Joe McLachlan.

What's On: A Maths Week 2019 Guide for Adults
Not only are there loads of activities going on for schools and families during Maths Week Scotland, there’s plenty for adults to do too. So what’s going on near you between 30 September and 6 October 2019?

Maths Week Scotland 2019
Maths Week Scotland 2019 will be back 30 September - 6 October with more events in more locations showcasing more maths than ever before!

Reflecting on the Mirror Pillar
Shoppers and travellers in Edinburgh and Glasgow got hands on with a bit of mathematical creativity in May.

More than a Makeover: What next for Maths Week Scotland?
Welcome to Maths Week Scotland’s brand new website and brand new look!

Maths Frontiers at Edinburgh Science Festival 2019
Blasting through the frontiers of maths at Edinburgh Science Festival 2019.