Fascinating sequences of numbers in mathematics and nature
The department of mathematics at the University of Aberdeen invites you to a fascinating evening to learn about the fascinating sequences of numbers in mathematics and nature.
Evening Format:
- 5:30pm - Welcome & Introduction; Short tour of the department
- 6:00pm - Talk
- 7:00pm - Tea, coffee & refreshments
In this talk we will discuss how certain sequences of numbers arise in nature and how they lead to some amazing mathematical discoveries. We will start with Fibonacci numbers, their history and relation to the golden ratio. In particular, we will see how Fibonacci numbers arise in art. Then we go on to discuss the Stirling numbers introduced by the Scottish mathematician James Stirling. We will see how Stirling numbers show up while trying to solve several problems in everyday life and mathematics. In particular, we plan to discuss the connection between partitions and Stirling numbers, which will lead us to a new interesting sequence of numbers, called Bell numbers, named after the Scottish mathematician Eric Temple Bell. We will also mention the connection with Pascal's triangle and explain the principle how Pascal's triangle is built. At the end we will discuss Bernoulli numbers and Euler numbers. These numbers show up in modern mathematics research and are closely related to Sterling numbers. At the end we will see that by some mysterious mathematical magic all these sequences of numbers are related to each other.
The talk will contain a lot of illustrations to demonstrate how sequences of numbers give geometric patterns. We will also discuss the history behind every sequence and short biographies of mathematicians who first invented them. The talk is suitable for school students from Third/Fourth Level and above, and adults who are interested in science and mathematics.
Speaker: Dr. Irakli Patchkoria, Institute of Mathematics, University of Aberdeen
Location: University of Aberdeen, Fraser Noble Building
Best suited for: Third/Fourth Level and above
This event is free, but registration is required. Please register via the link below.
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