
Information for Schools

Schools Map

Register to become an Official Maths Week Scotland School and add your school or ELC setting to our map.

Learning Resources

Browse our learning resources from Early Years through to Senior Phase. Filter resources by Level and Topic.

Schools Funding

If you require funding to take part in Maths Week Scotland, take a look at the Schools Enrichment Fund.


Test your numeracy, logic and creativity skills with our Maths Week Scotland challenges & competitions

Case Studies

Find inspiration for celebrating Maths Week Scotland from one of the school projects from previous years.

Teacher CLPL

Browse our seminars and resources aimed at helping teachers integrate maths across the curriculum.
2024 Maths Week Scotland Theme

Maths Week Scotland 2024 will take place 23 September - 29 September and the theme will be Maths Tales, looking at how Maths is used to tell stories. Whether it’s the link between maths and literature, the history of maths and prominent mathematicians, or the stories woven in to maths trails and escape rooms.

Find out more

School Highlights

Maths in the Real World Resource Pack

This resource pack pulls together digital postcards, as well as videos and blog posts, that have been shared over the last four years of our Show Your Working campaign.

Maths in Motion Sports Quiz

Measurements, times, scores...numbers are everywhere in sport. Our sporty maths quiz challenges pupils to explore the maths behind different sports - from rollerblading and golf, to diving, horse riding, and more!

Maths Week Scotland Ideas for Your Classroom

We have rounded up some of the activities that were shared with us by teachers on Twitter, for celebrating Maths Week Scotland in your classroom or school.