Ask-A-Museum Day 2022

Yesterday was #AskAMuseum Day on social media. We decided to take the opportunity to ask a few Scottish museums on Twitter, who are taking part in Maths Week Scotland, about maths related objects in their collections - and we got some really interesting answers!
We've rounded up all the questions and answers for you below.

We had also invited any other museums who wanted to join in, to answer the questions and share the #MathsInMuseums from their collections, and we got a few responses.

Many thanks to all the museums who joined in with #AskAMuseum Day. We really enjoyed hearing about all the interesting maths connections in your collections. You can find us on Twitter at @MathsWeekScot!
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An Interview with Maisie Chan
To celebrate World Book Day, we’re thrilled to welcome back award-winning Glasgow-based author Maisie Chan. Last year, Maisie joined our Maths Tales programme to discuss her novel Danny Chung Does Not Do Maths and answer questions from enthusiastic pupils. We’ve followed up with Maisie for an exclusive interview, perfect for those who missed the session or had more burning questions.