Community Learning and Development for Maths Week Scotland

News header community learning 2019

Across Scotland, Community Learning and Development (CLD) works to empower people of all ages to work individually or collectively to make positive changes in their lives and communities through learning, personal development and active citizenship. Community Learning and Development uses a range of formal and informal methods of learning and social development with individuals and groups in their communities. Programmes and activities are developed with communities and participants.

CLD activities planned for Maths Week Scotland include:

  • Parental engagement workshops and adult learning events, including family learning
  • Youth work embedding maths as fun activities
  • Community engagement
  • Themed events promoting disadvantaged or under-represented groups, such as encouraging girls into maths

So what CLD events are happening near you this Maths Week Scotland?

You can contact your regional Education Scotland CLD officers for more information and link with your local region to get involved.

  1. The Northern Alliance: Nicola Sykes
  2. The Tayside Collaborative: Susan Epsworth
  3. The West Partnership: John Galt and Laura McIntosh
  4. South West Collaborative: Nicola Sykes and Dehra Macdonald
  5. South East Collaborative: Chris Woodness and Vince Moore
  6. Forth Valley & West Lothian Collaborative: Lindsay MacDonald and Mandy Watts

Join in the conversation at @edscotcld on twitter #mathsweekscot

Keep up-to-date with the Education Scotland CLD team news and sign-up to receive the CLD E-Bulletin

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