Maths at Work Compilation Packs

Maths is important in a huge range of jobs and careers. We have pulled together all the 'Maths at Work' related activities from our past Activity Packs, to make it easier for you to access this content which can be reused year after year. The compilation packs align with the levels of the Scottish curriculum, and cover Early Years, First, Second and Third/Fourth Levels. They can be downloaded from the Learning Resources section of our website.

Latest News and Events

A Tangram Heart for Valentines Day
This Valentine’s Day, why say it with words when you can say it with maths? Let’s make a tangram heart and share some geometric love!

Scottish Science Festivals in 2005
We love science festivals here at Maths Week Scotland, as there's always lots of maths involved! To help you keep up to date with all the science festivals happening in Scotland this year, we've made a list of the ones we know about and we'll update the list throughout the year.