Maths Frontiers at Edinburgh Science Festival 2019

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Edinburgh Science Festival took over the city in a whirl of colour, discovery and wonder delving into science, technology, engineering and maths.

Visitors explored maths at the National Museum of Scotland, at the Spark Cart and with the University of Edinburgh team. Writer, broadcaster and comedian Timandra Harkness joined us for an in depth look at the role of maths and data in the history and future of robots.

Toroflux-ing at Spark Cart

Throughout Edinburgh Science Festival the Spark Cart at National Museum of Scotland hosted miniature experiments, curiosities and creative opportunities. During our afternoon of maths, visitors got hands on with topology with our toroflux and mobius strips.

Meanwhile over at the University of Edinburgh Maths drop in, chaos reined... fortunately it was just chaos theory demonstrated by a pendulum. Bold challengers gave 4 tier tic-tac-toe a go, putting their skills to the test against each other.

University of Edinburgh at Edinburgh Science Festival 2019

As night fell, we were treated to a journey through the history of data, algorithms, maths and robots through the ages from Timandra Harkness. Rounding off the mathematical adventure with a discussion of how robots will be a part of our futures.

Timandra Harkness

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