Maths Week Scotland 2019

News header maths week 2019

Photography, puzzles and dinosaurs. Maths Week Scotland 2019 has got it all!

Events for adults and families will be taking place across Scotland including talks, puzzle days and exhibitions. We are adding more events every day to our Events page so check back and follow us on twitter @MathsWeekScot for the latest events and information!

If you have an event or activity you are running make sure you let us know and get your event on the website too

Children playing 3D noughts and crosses

Schools will be celebrating across Scotland, find out what schools are getting up to on our Maths Week Scotland map and get inspiration for your own school

Or give your Maths Week Scotland a competitive edge with one of our Maths Week Scotland challenges!

Latest News and Events


Win £100 for Your School or ELC Setting

New for this year - to say thank you for taking part in Maths Week Scotland, we will be picking one school or ELC setting from our map at random to receive a £100 Amazon voucher to spend on maths goodies for your class.


Launch of UHI Early Years Maths Tales Bags

During Maths Week Scotland 2024, the UHI STEM Outreach Programme will be launching their new Maths Tales Bags for Early Level learners.

7th Nov

Escape Room Live Lesson: Find the Secret Lair!

Online (MS Teams) | | Free

Join us for this interactive online live lesson event aimed at upper primary and lower secondary students, hosted by Data Education in Schools at the University of Edinburgh.