School Week Round Up 2019

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It's the end of the school week for Maths Week Scotland and what a week it's been! We've loved seeing such a range of activity in schools on Twitter from careers to ceilidhs, thanks to everyone who's shared their Maths Week Scotland with us. So what has everyone learnt at school this week?

Maths is used in all kinds of careers and pupils in many schools have been exploring that with everyone from biomedical scientists to Police Scotland!

Across the country schools have welcomed maths performers into their schools. Ben Sparks has been wowing pupils with maths magic in Angus and the Borders (we’d tell you all about it but we’ve sworn the the Magicians Oath) and Kjartan Poskitt has been causing hilarity in the Western Isles with his Murderous Maths.

Bubbly maths activities in Dumfries and Galloway.

Caroline Ainslie has been bubbling with enthusiasm in Dumfries and Galloway. Nearly 2,000 pupils used their imagination and maths skills to turn halls into fish tanks and work out just how many pupils you can fit inside a bubble. Plus learning a bit of ancient Greek along the way.

Up in Inverness Tom Crawford shared tales of his storm chasing adventures in Antarctica all in the pursuit of mathematical modelling. His work in fluid dynamics helps understand our oceans and create mathematical models to help us predict the climate of the future. We also travelled back in time to find how in an Ancient Greek world where they only believed in whole numbers one mathematician's radical ideas got him killed.

Strathclyde Science Scout activities.

In Glasgow Strathclyde Science Scouts have been running activities looking at infectious disease modelling, cancer cells, cryptography and a murder mystery.

As well as inviting special guests in, schools have found ways to embed Maths Week Scotland throughout their school days. Taking part in our competitions, dancing using our Maths Week Scotland Science Ceilidh resources, finding the maths in outdoor play and creative escape room games full of maths challenges.

Thanks to all Maths Week Scotland schools for joining us this week! The fun doesn't have to stop here- our resources are available all year round, so why not make every week Maths Week?

Keep up with us on Twitter for the weekend of activities ahead.

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National Museum of Scotland | | Free
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