Learn with Will

Join Chris and Will on their magical adventures as they bring stone circles to life and summon magical forest spirits, to help you learn about measuring circles.

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Learn with Will is a video series of Maths, Science and English. Join Chris and Will on their magical adventures as they bring stone circles to life and summon magical forest spirits, to help you learn about measuring circles.

Bring magical circles to life! | Measuring Circles

Chris and Will are on a magical adventure as they try to complete ancient spells that will bring stone circles to life!

You’ll learn how to measure different parts of a circle, like the radius, diameter, circumference, and area. You’ll also get to meet a very special number called pi that connects the circumference and area together.

If you want to keep practicing, download the worksheet, which includes the chance for you to uncover a magical spell and see a brand new stone circle come to life! And make sure to check your answers.

>> download worksheet

>> download answers

Summon magical forest spirits! | Measuring Circles 2

Chris and Will are on another magical adventure as they try to clear vines from emblem circles that will summon magical spirits called wills-o’-the-wisp!

You’ll learn how to measure more parts of a circle, like the arc and sector. You’ll also get to learn how to use a very handy tool called a protractor, so you can also measure the central angle!

If you want to keep practicing, download the worksheet, which includes the chance for you to clear vines from an emblem circle and summon even more wills-o’-the-wisp! And make sure to check your answers.

>> download worksheet

>> download answers

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