Learning Resources


Dance Like a Robot

Best suited for Early, First & Second Level

Join Rusy the Robot from the NumBots, and learn some robot dance moves to practice subitising, number bonds, double/half and one/two more/less. The resource combines movement with teacher-to-pupil interactions. The teacher can put the resource on the board (one slide for each activity) and follow the steps to do an activity together.

A collaboration by Numbots and Move & Learn


National Galleries Scotland: Maths in Motion

Best suited for Early, First and Second Level

This resource offers six activities to ignite interest in both maths and art. We’ve put together a slide show ready for use in your setting.

Activities include symmetry, balance, speed, moving objects and pattern. Questions and tasks are deliberately open-ended to encourage learners to problem solve and develop their creativity skills.

Created by National Galleries Scotland


National Galleries Scotland: The Beauty of Maths

Best suited for Early, First and Second Level

This resource aims to inspire learning about maths, through art. We’ve put together a powerpoint ready for you to use in school, or print out to use on a gallery visit to the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art.

You can select the tasks that best suit your learners, try them in any order and adapt to suit. Activities include: Tesselation, Scale, Favourite numbers, Describing Shape, Symmetry and Pattern.

Created by National Galleries Scotland


Miner birds: Addition and subtraction

Best suited to Early, First and Second Level

Miner birds is a series of multi-player, curriculum-linked maths games on Busy Things, designed specifically to put addition and subtraction skills to the test.

In the game, pupils can play against up to 3 opponents, which can either be other pupils or computers. The aim is to answer the questions to earn worms and the player who is the first to reach 20 worms is the winner.

Pupils earn more worms if they answer trickier questions but expect some surprises along the way to trip you up!


Scots Numbers

Best suited for Early, First & Second Level

Scots Language Centre have a set of numbers in Scots which are useful for teaching purposes. The numbers are available as a downloadable PDF, along with a list of suggested activities and associated materials. Use them as part of your classroom display, in sequencing exercises, numeracy tasks and more!


Shape Mice

Best suited for Early, First and Second Level

Celebrate Burns Night with this shape activity, in honour of one of Robert Burns' most well known poems, 'To a Mouse'. Cut out shapes of different sizes from coloured paper or card, and arrange them to create mice. What other shapes can you use? How about a pentagon or a hexagon mouse?


Maths Code Game

Best suited for First and Second Level

For Maths Week Scotland 2019, Anderston Primary School in Glasgow created a Maths Code Game that you can play at school or at home, no matter where you live. You will need a mobile phone with the free Escape Team app installed.

Access the game, some maths trails to do locally in Glasgow, plus tips on how to create your own, via the Anderston Primary School website below.

Funding for the trails came from the Maths Week Scotland Small Grants Fund. Content for the day developed by school staff with support from the Parent Council.


Online Talk: Environmental Statistics

Best suited for First and Second Level (age 5 - 11)

When we build wind farms, what happens to the wildlife? In this interactive talk, statistician Katherine Whyte looks at how we can use maths and statistics to help us balance the benefits of wind energy with the risks posed to ocean wildlife like seals and seabirds. Where were the animals before we built the wind farm, and how many were there? How many animals leave when a wind farm is built, and do they come back? What do animals do when they are near a wind farm, and can they still find enough food in the sea?

Statistics is an important tool in helping us to answer these questions, and helping us make decisions that are both good for the planet and good for our local wildlife.

Part of the Royal Statistical Society's William Guy Lecture Series


Sumdog Times Tables Pack

Best suited for First and Second Level

A good understanding of times tables, and the ability to recall them quickly, is an essential foundation for children’s learning. So at Sumdog, we've made all our practice tools fun and engaging!

Download our free Times Tables pack to access our Pathway to Multiplication Success, lesson plans and times tables cards to use during Maths Week Scotland.


Active Times Table Challenge

Best suited for First and Second Level

Make learning fun by working together in your classroom or at home to get a high score in physically active times tables.

  • Copy the presenter's actions while chanting times tables
  • Solve the on-screen challenge quiz questions correctly for more points
  • Easy to use 10-minute sessions, ideal for a lesson starter or practising at home

Pyramid Addition & Multiplication

Best suited for First and Second Level

Pyramid is a card game for two or more players. The video shows Pyramid addition, but the same game play can be used for multiplication. For either version, you will need a standard set of cards with the face cards (Jack, Queen, King) removed.


Royal Institution Maths Activities

Best suited for First and Second Level

Soap bubbles, paper folding, computers and bridges are all inspiration for these Primary School maths activity ideas from the Royal Institution.


Flip 3 Equations Game

Best suited for First and Second Level

This is a great card game for practicing simple equations, including addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. All you need is one deck of regular playing cards, with the face cards (Jack, Queen, King) removed.


Maths War

Best suited for First and Second level

Maths War is a great little game to practice different kinds of maths skills, including number values, place value, addition and multiplication. It works best with 2-4 children. All you need is one of two packs of regular playing cards, with the face cards (Jack, Queen, King) removed.