Learn how to run a Maths Circle

James Clerk Maxwell Building, Edinburgh 8th Mar 10.30am-12.00pm Free

University of Edinburgh School of Mathematics Event

Three to four times a year the University of Edinburgh runs an event called the (in-person) "Edinburgh Maths Circle": a free drop-in session where children aged from 5 to 16 enjoy learning mathematics with NRICH problems and other hands-on mathematical activities.

During this half day workshop, teachers and educators will be given an introduction to what a Maths Circle is, advice on how to run one in their school/community, and what are the main issues to be aware of.

Participants will then have a chance to see a Maths Circle in action, have a look at how visitors engage with the activities, and talk to visitors.

All participants who attend the workshop will have the the opportunity to borrow some of the resources and run a Maths Circle in their classes and/or communities.

Free but booking required. Register via the link below.

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