Summerlee Museum School Maths Trail

Summerlee Museum of Scottish Industrial Life, Coatbridge 1st Jan-31st Dec 10.00am-4.00pm Free

Suitable for P2 - P7

Summerlee Museum of Scottish Industrial Life in Coatbridge, North Lanarkshire, has two self-led math trails for primary school pupils which you can download and use for FREE!

As part of a teacher-led visit pupils can work as individuals or in small groups to find hidden maths all around the museum’s five acre site, highlighting everyday applications of maths. Pupils will take part in practical challenges, answering questions about the museum and its exhibits, all the time using the power of maths!

Summerlee Maths Trails are divided into two age groups (P2 & 3- first level and P 3-7 second level) as a guide. Also provided are an answer sheet and teachers' notes with additional guidance and problem-solving suggestions.

The trails cover many learning outcomes including addition and subtraction, weights and measurement, shapes and money, as well as fractions and multiplication for second level. Many of the questions will not have a finite answer but encourage the pupils to use problem solving skills, and general knowledge to suggest methods of calculation.

Summerlee Maths Trails will be available all year round!

Call 01236 638460 or email to book your self-led and download the maths trail below:

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