Make sure your sector is represented in Maths Week Scotland 2020!

Make sure your sector is represented in Maths Week Scotland 2020!
This #MathsWeekScot, we’re looking for you to #ShowYourWorking and show us an interesting example of how maths is used in your workplace.
No industry is exempt. Help us show that maths is everywhere and highlight the importance of maths in all careers - maths isn’t just for accountants after all!
Get involved
- Think about examples of how maths is used in your industry. Bonus points for examples that will be a surprise to others!
- Tweet your examples during Maths Week Scotland between 28 September and 4 October. Video? Photo? Animation? You decide! Don’t forget to use #MathsWeekScot and #ShowYourWorking.
Schools - why not share a particularly interesting example you’ve come across as part of your Maths Week Scotland activity?
We’ll be highlighting examples throughout the week. - Nominate a friend to do the same and help make sure all industries are represented as part of Maths Week Scotland 2020.
We’re looking forward to seeing how you use maths in your job all throughout #MathsWeekScot and showing young people how the skills they are learning now will be put into practice in the future.
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