Maths in Motion Sports Quiz

An illustrated green astroturf background with lots of question marks in different colours and sizes on top of it.

Measurements, times, scores...numbers are everywhere in sport!

Our sporty maths quiz, featuring none other than the BBC's David Currie as quizmaster, challenges pupils to explore the maths behind different sports - from rollerblading, curling and golf, to gymnastics, horse riding, diving and more!

Watch the video below for instructions on how to run the quiz with a class. Best suited for Second Level.

How to Play

Before You Start...

Before you start, we suggest you check out all the questions and answers in the PDFs for teachers (see below) to decide which rounds are right for your class, and how many rounds you want to play. The rounds get progressively harder, and cover a range of maths concepts.

Decide whether your class are playing individually or in teams, and print off enough answer sheets for the children to record their quiz answers.

The Quiz

For Teachers

PDFs of all the questions and answers:

Icon rocket
Maths Week Scotland 2024 Highlights

Discover some of the creative ideas and projects that were shared with us for our 2024 'Maths Tales' theme.

Maths Week 2024 - Tales Highlights

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