Your search returned 486 results


Ancient Egyptian maths resources

Best suited for First Level

These ancient Egyptian maths worksheets are designed to explore maths and ancient Egypt.

  • Count Like An Ancient Egyptian: Explore how ancient Egyptians wrote and used numbers.
  • Pyramid stones: Discover how huge stones were moved across Egypt to build the pyramids.
  • The Rhind papyrus: Try to crack this real ancient Egyptian maths problem.

Created by National Museums Scotland


BBC Rainbow Quizzes

Best suited for First Level

The Rainbow Quiz is a set of audio quizzes for First Level classes, presented by BBC Scotland's Catriona Shearer.


Path Finding Challenge

Best suited for First Level

Can you find your way along the seashore by following the repeating pattern from START to END? Colour each square in the repeating pattern to mark out the correct path.


Intergalactic Adventure

Best suited for Second Level

Are you ready for a mathematical space adventure? Prepare for a journey to the Planet Turasmara. Download and complete your passport application ready for boarding, then solve the six space maths challenges!

Created by the Scottish Mathematical Council


Spring & Easter Puzzles

We've put together a selection of Spring and Easter puzzles covering a range of different maths skills including counting, pattern recognition, logical thinking, code breaking, and using tessellation or symmetry to create designs.


Irn Bru Data Collection

Best suited for Second Level

Created by the Royal Statistical Society, this activity get learners thinking about how information is collected and introduces some simple approaches to visualise the data that they have collected.

Using a data collection app, students will be be introduced to bar charts, dot plots and pie charts. They can get creative and produce their own data visualisations to find out how their class really feels about Irn Bru.