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Fraction Snowflakes

A calming art puzzle activity for the weekend. Cut out circles of different sizes from white paper, then cut some in to halves, quarters and eighths. Use the circle fractions to lay out snowflake patterns. Remember, snowflakes are symmetrical!


Binary Code Ornaments

Today we’re making seasonal decorations with a mathematical twist – using binary code! Download our chart and create ornaments with festive words written in binary code. Binary code is a way to write numbers, letters and symbols using only 0 and 1. It is used in computer coding.

>> Download Binary Code Chart


Christmas Number Doodles

Some Christmas fun doodling with numbers! Try our suggestions, or make up your own. And don't forget to share pictures of your artworks with us!

Teacher CLPL

Browse our seminars and resources aimed at helping teachers integrate maths across the curriculum.


Maths Week Scotland is not just for schools! Maths is in the world around us, and there are plenty of ways for any group to have fun with maths.


Maths is in the world around us, and there are plenty of ways for you and your family to have fun with maths at home, and out and about. Turn any day into a maths adventure!

Family Activities

Browse our maths inspired arts & crafts, games, puzzles, baking and more!

Science Centres, Museums & Art Galleries

Many science centres, museums and art galleries across the country take part in Maths Week Scotland, including some who offer maths activities at their sites all year round.

Nature Walk

Whether you live in an urban or rural area, a nature walk is a perfect activity for families to teach children about directional language, and to practise map reading skills.

Book Reviews

Browse our recommendations for maths and numeracy related children's books.


Everything you need to host your own Maths Week Scotland event, activity or promote Maths Week Scotland online.


Don’t let a lack of funds stop you from taking part in Maths Week Scotland. Apply for financial help through our Grants Fund.

Spread the Word

Download our Media Pack and help us spread the word about Maths Week Scotland!


Read the latest Maths Week Scotland news.


Maths Week Scotland is a dedicated week of events and activity, with special events throughout the year. Maths Week Scotland 2024 will take place Monday 23 September - Sunday 29 September, and the theme this year is Maths Tales.

Get in touch

Want to be part of Maths Week Scotland? Would you like to see more happening in your area? Got a media enquiry? Whether you have feedback, ideas or requests we would love to hear from you!