Your search returned 528 results

1st Jan-31st Dec

Summerlee Museum School Maths Trail

Summerlee Museum of Scottish Industrial Life, Coatbridge | | Free

Summerlee Museum has two self-led math trails for primary school pupils which you can download and use for FREE!

1st Jan-31st Dec

Summerlee Museum Family Maths Trail

Summerlee Museum of Scottish Industrial Life, Coatbridge | | Free

Come along to Summerlee Museum and take part in our free Family Maths Trail.


Maths Week Scotland 2022 - Events for Schools

We've rounded up this year's Maths Week Scotland events for schools in a handy, day-by-day overview. The programme is a mix of mix of both online and in-person events.


Ideas for Your Classroom

We have rounded up some of the activities that were shared with us by teachers on Twitter, for celebrating Maths Week Scotland in your classroom or school.


Maths Inside 2022 Photography Competition

It’s World Photography Day today, which is a perfect excuse to tell you about this year’s Maths inside photography competition!

1st Jan-31st Dec

All things numerical at the Gallery of Modern Art

Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Modern One | | Free

Book a free visit to the Gallery of Modern Art, to explore pattern, scale, shape, symmetry and all things numerical!


Schools - Get Ready for Maths Week Scotland 2022!

Follow our tips to help you plan your school activities for Maths Week Scotland 2022.

1st Jan-31st Dec

Ancient Egyptian Maths and Science

Glasgow Museums Resource Centre | | £45 (free for glasgow schools)

Schools workshop. Work in groups to solve problems faced by the Ancient Egyptian thousands of years ago, learn to measure and weigh just like they did, and handle objects they made.

1st Jan-31st Dec

Journey on the Silk Road

The Burrell Collection, Glasgow | | £45 (free for glasgow schools)

Workshop for schools. Come on an adventure with us on the Silk Road and discover artifacts from the Middle East, Asia, and Africa!


#ShowYourWorking Campaign 2022

Find out how to get involved!


Maths Week Scotland 2022 Activity Packs

Our new Activity Packs for Maths Week Scotland 2022 are here!


Maths Outdoors: Scavenger Shape Hunt

A scavenger shape hunt is a simple yet effective way for early learners to start recognising shapes in the world around them, and to learn their names.

1st Jan-31st Dec

Maths Money Marvels

Online | | Free

Museum on the Mound is excited to offer a free, interactive digital workshop that brings money and maths to life.

1st Jan-31st Dec

Money Maths at Museum on the Mound

Museum on the Mound | | Free

We are excited to offer Maths versions of our popular money-themed schools workshops. These are entirely free of charge. Best suited for P5-P7 pupils.


Revolution: Edinburgh Science Festival 2022

April in Edinburgh can only mean one thing - Edinburgh Science Festival!


Maths Week Scotland 2022: Beauty of Maths

Maths Week Scotland 2022 will be back 26 September to 2 October with the theme Beauty of Maths. We will be exploring the beauty and creativity of maths as well as it's importance in art and music.


Maths in Museums Highlights

Your local museum may not be the first place you think of to head to find maths but in Maths Week Scotland 2021 museums across Scotland showed the importance of maths in their collections with family days, schools workshops and on social media.


Do you have what it takes to be a code breaker?

Test your problem-solving skills and try to crack the secret messages using clues in the brand new Codebreak challenge.

Created by the Open University Code Break is an interactive web app consisting of three ciphers: Pigpen, Caesar and simple substitution (solved by frequency analysis). Earn stars for each challenge, and learn about code-breaking through the ages.


Maths Inside 2021 Winners

On Saturday 30 October the Maths Inside Award Ceremony celebrated all participants and announced the winners of this years competition. Take a peek at the winning entries and get inspired for next years competition!


Our #MathsWeekScot 2021 Highlights

Maths is everywhere in the world around us. You've helped demonstrate in wonderful ways the world of maths in everyday life on Twitter and here are just a few of our highlights from the week!


#MathsWeekScot 2021 - What's on this weekend?

What an incredible week it's been so far and there is still so much more to do as we head into the weekend!


#ShowYourWorking 2021 - We asked, you told!

In the run up to and during Maths Week Scotland 2021, we’ve been encouraging people from all walks of industry to get involved in our #ShowYourWorking campaign and show off how they use maths in their roles and demonstrate the importance of maths in a whole range of potential future careers for Scotland’s young people.


Calculating Climate Change on Scotland’s Coast

Maths underpins science and allows societies to better understand and predict change, risk and ways to make the world a better place. Alistair Rennie from Nature Scot tells us how a few simple measurements and calculations can be cleverly scaled up to understand how our coastlines have changed over the last 140 years, and how they may change under different climate scenarios over the 21st century.


Maths Protecting Our World

Data are everywhere from Covid to Google to geese and it is messy. How do we make sense of that data when there is all that uncertainty? Statistics! Emma Mitchell from Nature Scot tells use how statistics are helping us make sense of the natural world around us.