Glasgow's Transforming: Glasgow Science Festival 2024
Glasgow Science Festival kicks off tomorrow (6 - 16 June 2024), with the theme "Glasgow's Transforming". We've had a browse through the programme, and picked out some of our favourite events.

Maths Outdoors: 30 Days Wild
For the UK Wildlife Trusts annual 30 Days Wild challenge, which encourages people to spend more time outside and engage with nature, we've come up with 30 fun ideas to get you active in nature and incorporate some maths along the way (updated for 2024).

Maths at Work Compilation Packs
We have pulled together all the 'Maths at Work' related activities from our past Activity Packs, to make it easier for you to access this content which can be reused year after year. The compilation packs align with the levels of the Scottish curriculum.

Maths Week Scotland for Museums: How to get involved
Maths Week Scotland works with a range of organisations, including museums, to enable people of all ages and backgrounds to engage with numeracy and mathematics. Here are some low cost ways your museum can get involved - it's the taking part that counts!